SFTP Access & Key Generation

In order for you to access our SFTP server that will have specified reports for your organization, please follow these instructions.

Generate Public and Private Keys

1. First, you'll need to generate an SSH key and provide us with the pub key.

On macOS, Linux, or UNIX operating systems:

  1. Open a command terminal. For instance, in Windows Powershell (key_name is your SSH key pair file name. Designate something like "yourBankName"):

> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f my-ssh-key

2. You will receive an output like the image shown.

3. Navigate to the pub file and open it.  

4. Either copy the text and provide that to PayRecs or upload the pub file at our support center: https://payrecs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

5. Once received, we will provide connection details.  

When you've received the connection details, continue to the next step to configure your SFTP client.