
Before you continue, make sure that you've:

  • Already Launched the customer in PayRecs

  • You have access to Q2 Central

  • PayRecs must be installed on your Q2 instance

Enable Customer Level Access

Your Q2 instance will have a permission called PayRecsSSO

  1. Search for the customer, and edit

  2. Select Policy tab (for non-corporate, skip this step)

  3. Select Features

  4. Search for "PayRecs"

  5. Enable PayRecsSSO and PayRecsTecton

Disable International Wire

If the customer previously had international wires enabled, this should be turned off

  1. Click on Transactions (for non-corporate, click "Rights")

  2. Find the International Wire and disable

Enable User Level Access

  1. Find the user

  2. Select Policy tab (for non-corporate, skip this step)

  3. Select Features

  4. Search for "PayRecs"

  5. Enable PayRecsSSO

Video How-To of the steps above located here